Saturday, June 30, 2007

Day 60 - Another stupid Friday

And again....
Last night I slept from 11pm to 3.20am. I I hadn't set up my alarm to remind me of the next nap at 11pm, I don't know how long I would have been asleep.
Well after that, I was completely awake. After the 7.20am nap I was a little bit tired again, but not too much to delay my cleaning jobs.

Talking was so-so, better than usual, but not really good. On the way home I felt completely awake and that feeling didn't disappeared until late in the night.

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Friday, June 29, 2007

Day 59 - Three day, one crash

Whooho, I screwed up. Yep, I slept from 3.20am to 7.50am last night. Two days success, one day crash. This is annoying. It seems that I have to think or more ways to make my 3am sleep really uncomfortable.

The rest of the day was not that good either. At 2pm I felt unusually tired, I rarely experienced that before. I'm still sticking to my 25 minutes, maybe I should change that in the next days.

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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Day 58 - Stay awake

No oversleep again. My down-phase seems to be finally over and done with. Now it's time to concentrate on staying awake again. I was successful for 2 days now, so the next night will be critical, as it is the end of the usual 3 day rhythm I tend to have.

So far the night went great. I was a little bit tired right before my 11.20pm nap, but after it I had no problems at all. With Mario Strikers Charged Football and Counter Strike I encountered no fatigue so far. Now it's time for my 3.20am nap. I am a little bit afraid. This will be crucial. My critical nap. Good luck for me.

See you soon!

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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Day 57 - A new nap

Hehe, finally. Last night was great, I was completely awake all the time and neither oversleep nor fatigue didn't stand a chance against me. I watched some episodes of Dexter and even at 4am (my critical time) I could lay on my bed watching it.

I will now start/continue to add an extra nap at 5.20am, in the middle between my 3.20 and my 7.20 naps. I hope it will not only helps me to stay awake at my critical time, but also to to prevent general fatigue by adding another 15 minutes of REM sleep to my day.

Well, I still have to report a bit of extra sleep. I overslept after my 32.0pm nap today. It was only one hour, but that is still too much for me. Since it happened in broad daylight I think I didn't set up my alarm properly.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Week 8

What can I say? Shit. This week was utter shit. I stopped my core sleep a week ago, but somehow I still had about 4-5 hours of sleep almost every night. Seems as if the recovery from my bad eye isn't over yet.

One thing that bother me even more than all this sleep is the quality of my naps. After I went on and on last week about my beloved naps, I have to report now that they are not good at all at the moment. I rarely dream, and it takes me about 5-6 minutes to even fall asleep. Thus I decided to extend my nap length to 25 minutes, just like in the beginning of my experiment. This is really annoying and I hope I will be able to get rid of this with a bit sleep dep next week.

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Day 56 - Reading is bad

This can't be happening. Last night I was so awake, I just felt great. Then, at 2.30am I decided that I was awake enough to read. For half an hour I had no problems at all, no fatigue, nothing. Then I fell asleep for 10 minutes. After I woke up I was stupid enough not to stop reading.

Guess what? Oversleep. Until 7am. Shit.

The rest of the day I had my usual bad naps. Too much sleep just kills my naps. We'll, I have big plans for tonight (watch Dexter Season 1) and I won't let any oversleep disturb this thing. I'll beat myself in the face if I let this happen...

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Monday, June 25, 2007

Day 55 - He, my name is Adork

Well, what can I say. It's pathetic. After my oversleep yesterday from 11:20pm to 03:20am I thought it would be over. But no, after my 7.20am nap I once again decided to lay down a bit more. Of course with open eyes, so that I can fall asleep again. What bullshit. I slept another 90 minutes.

The rest of the day went normal though, except a short nap delay at 7.20, nothing important. So, can this happen again? I certainly hope not. I'm so awake, it would be a shame to fall asleep in sometimes in the next days. Do I still think it's possible? Oh yes, because I'm a dork as it seems.

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Sunday, June 24, 2007

Day 54 - Too much sleep

My day started with 4 hours of sleep from 3.20am to 7.20am. After that I felt really good for the rest of the day. I finally used my alarm again to REMEMBER my naptimes and so I got all of them without delay. For the first time after my break I didn't felt all weary, hence I'm almost happy that I slept 3 and a half hours more than wanted.

It didn't seem like 4 hours was enough. In the evening I overslept again. The same thing happened, but this time from 11.20pm-3.20am. The only difference is that I was at least able to set up my alarm for the next nap before falling asleep at 11.20. I don't think that I would have woken up without my alarm, but that doesn't matter anymore, because now I'm up and running.

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Saturday, June 23, 2007

Day 53 - Polyphasic Strike

Last night was quite good, but not perfect. I played Counterstrike for the first time in years and this really helped me to stay awake. As long as I played I felt no fatigue at all, that was great. I played until my 3.20am nap and had no problems to stand up after it. I decided that I would take an extra nap at 5.20 from now on, but somehow I fell asleep before it and woke up at 6am. Then I thought that I would still take my extra nap (although I just had slept) and then a sleeping Odyssey began. I practically slept until 7:50 but not in one chunk. Instead I decided to take another nap immediately after waking up from the previous one. I was barely awake for about 30 seconds between the naps, but that is still worth mentioning I guess.

Daytime nap were no problem again, but I felt unusual tired all the day. Then at 10.20pm I started a 40 minutes IQ test. After approximately 30-35 minutes for this test I fell asleep again :D
This time only for 30-40 minutes, but it still bothered me. After I woke up I took my regular nap. Then I was completely exhausted. Yes, I was exhausted of sleeping. I couldn't explain it, but just like in the night before I felt more and more tired with every minute I slept. So for the rest of the night I chose to take my naps every 2 hours instead of every 4. I desperately hope that this will help...

Wow, now that was a weird day. Somehow I wasn't able to fight my fatigue, not even by sleeping more. My wild nap session at 6am felt out of control. I hope that I can forget this day very fast and move on.

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Friday, June 22, 2007

Day 52 -Just 90 minutes

The night was almost perfect. I was vary alert all the time, I even managed to play about 30-40 minutes of Phoenix Wright, which is the same as reading. That was at1.30am. Too bad that I fell asleep after these 40 minutes.

Before and after this 90 minutes oversleep I was completely awake and had no problem to do anything I want. The transition to day was seamless and I had no problems with any of the following naps. I guess reading is still a problem I shouldn't underestimate.

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Day 51 - Gimme five

Today I got less than 5 hours of sleep and now I feel like shit. I didn't experienced this kind of tiredness for a long time, I think I should call it monophasic fatigue. The polyphasic fatigue is much more comfortable than the monophasic one, I just didn't realized it until now. The feeling I got now, the strong wish to got back to bed is worse than anything I suffered from during my polyphasic time. Damn, this was my last "monophasic" night for a while. I'm happy that my eye is OK again.

My 11.20am nap was even worse than the night. I couldn't really catch any sleep and I think I never felt worse after a nap. The next nap adjusted this, and I felt rather good again, just like after the following naps. I doubt that I will have any problems to stay awake in the upcoming night due to my countless hours of sleep in the last days :P

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Day 50 - Great Teacher Onizuka!!

Wow, day 50. Too bad that there is no way for me to celebrate it with my bad eye and my recent core naps^^

Last night I stayd up until roughly 3am and then went to bed. My newly beloved 5 hours sleep gave me a good rest and my eye felt much better after that. I took the rest of the naps in time, watched the end of Great Teacher Onizuka and went to the cinema to see Hot Fuzz, which I found to be great. Cinema with my eye was not as bad as yesterday, but I still had to close it 2-3 times. Don't think that I have to be afraid of this.

And finally Battlestar Galactica Season 2.1 arrived. It will be our new TV show for our pizza-wednesday. Tomorrow we'll watch the first episode, whooho

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Week 7

A lot happened in this last week. At first it seemed rather successful, but on Saturday I got a big problem with my eye, which resulted in me going to the hospital at 12am for some eye drops. I should have made a photo of my eye being all red, looked almost funny^^
Because of that I decided sleep monophasic for several days, but I didn't stopped taking my naps because of that. So with other words it was more like taking a big core sleep in the night, about 5 hours.

But I'm still surprised of how well the first half went. I was tired sometimes, but I was able to cope with that. That makes me feel a lot better about my experiment, maybe I CAN be a fully adapted Uberman someday.

The monophasic sleep the last days felt good at the beginning, but short after it already sucked. Waking up tired from a nap is much better than waking up tired after a monophasic sleep phase. That made me realize how much I like my naps...
Well, my naps ARE really great. They feel much longer than 20 minutes, much much longer, about t4-5 hours, or sometimes even longer. The main reason for that is that I dream just as much and as long as in a normal monophasic sleep. This sounds weird, but it's true. As I reported, I sometimes wake up after the first half of my nap. When that happens, I sometimes even have two different dreams, which makes the nap even longer for me.
You know what? A lot of people said to me: "I wouldn't do Uberman, because I really like to sleep". I love sleeping too, so Uberman is perfect for me. I can sleep 6 times a day and have dreams and stuff 6 times a day. It's great, I always happy if it's time for my nap, because I'm curious of what will happen^^
Sleep is great

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Day 49 - Coresleep II

Last night I slept five hours again, with other word, I woke up at 6am. I decided to take the dog out for a walk, although riding the bike could make my eye worse. It didn't and I'm glad about it.

I can really feel my eye getting better if I sleep so I won't stop to have my pretty long core naps at night. With these there is of course no oversleep and no problem with my naps at all. So, there isn't much to report besides my core length...

Anyway I went to the cinema for the first time in a while to watch Ocean's Thirteen. It hurt my right eye sometimes, so I had to close it. No mayor problem and I was still able to enjoy the movie.

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Monday, June 18, 2007

Day 48 - Coresleep I

I woke up at 5.45am, which means I got about 5 hours of sleep or with other words 1 normal nap (20 minutes) + 3 normal sleep cycles (90 minutes). I made some food and was up until 7:20am. I took my nap and after that I stayed in bed a little bit longer, I think about 2 or 3 hours. After that I continued only with my naps until 9.30pm. I fell asleep until midnight. I was awake for one more hour and then went to bed completely.

This destroys my schedule, but there's nothing I can do about it, my eye seems more important to me. I don't think that this will last longer than one week, and then I will definitely be on my schedule again.

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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Day 47 - Red Alert!

Today hell broke loose.
Since five or six days I noticed that my right eye turned red all of a sudden. It almost disappeared on Tuesday/Wednesday and then on Friday it was all red again. I only noticed it because of a very light pain when looking in specific directions. Today this got worse. I couldn't look into bright areas without pain and focusing very close things was almost the same. In the evening almost everything was too bright too look at and this was not acceptable. After my 11.20pm nap I was driven to the hospital by my dad and I got some eye drops to cure this.

Of course this had an impact on my polyphasic sleep schedule. Starting the next night, I will get some hours of sleep to cure this illness. I will continue to take my naps at daytime, but I think nocturnal sleep will be inevitable. So I got to bed at 1am, let's see how long I will be able to sleep....

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Saturday, June 16, 2007

Day 46 - It works^^

A-no-ther-night! Well, there was oversleep, if you want to call it that way. After my 4.20am nap I took another nap, because I somehow got the feeling that my previous one wasn't really successful. After that my naps were delivered as planned and I had no problems to stick to them.

I did waste some time after my 7.20am nap, so I shifted my cleaning jobs to 12am instead of 8am. No problems to get my 3.20pm nap after that in time, so everything went fine. I didn't felt that tired, the old lady talk was OK.

Everything seems to run better and better. Maybe I can still succeed in this whole thing.

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Friday, June 15, 2007

Day 45 - Socializing

No problems tonight, I hope this continues for some time. The day went over without any incidents and in the evening I was with a couple of friends. No problems there either, I was able to wrap all activities around my naps, both the 7.20pm and the 11.30pm one.

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Day 44 - Fatigue!

Fatigue is the topic of the day!
I felt unusually tired between my 3.20am and my 7.20am nap, so I tried to stay awake doing various things. But finally I fell asleep in front of my computer from 4.20am to 5.50am. After that I continued as if nothing had happened, the fatigue was mostly gone. This didn't bother me that much, but still, I'd like to have a couple of day in a row without oversleep.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Day 43 - Guess what?

This day was so boring...

Everything went well XD
I had no oversleep and only one nap delay of 15 minutes. Te night was mine, and that's the way it's meant to be^^

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Day 42 - No Internet

Weird day.
The last night was wonderful, my 3.20am nap just passed by and the 7.20 was even better. I woke up after exactly 20 minutes, only seconds before my alarm, which feels much better than waking up by an alarm. 15-20 minutes after waking up you won't feel much of a difference , but getting up is a lot more comfortable.

My day did not get any better than this. After my 15.20 nap I was a too lazy to stand up, and this resulted in a 1 hours oversleep. Oversleep at daytime, this is bad, but on the other hand, it didn't hurt much :D

The next big event was after at my 23.30 nap. I woke up at 01:48 without any memory of what happened and even worse without a working internet connection. I'm eagerly waiting for the next day to arrive.

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Week 6

This week was rather good. I had some oversleep, but My oversleep seems to limit itself on 5 hours not, as if more sleep was not possible. On the other hand I had really good nights I could use for everything I wanted.

I tried something new this week. First, I decided to get up, if I wake up before my nap is officially over. IF I wake up at all, then it's after 10-12 minutes, the exact half of one of my naps. This turned out to be a mistake, soon after the first tries I was too tired to get up and so I already stopped this. I don't think I will try that again, but I wonder why my body awakens sometimes after exactly 12 minutes.

The second change this week was the reduction of my nap length from 25 to 20 minutes. I can't say that I felt any difference yet, so I think that I will stay with this. I noticed that I am now able to fall asleep in 1-2 minutes, so I think this times suits me now. Maybe the next week will bring clearer results.

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Monday, June 11, 2007

Day 41 - Two nights in a row

Oh no :(
Two nights in a row. Oversleep caught me again, and it was even the same length: 5 hours. The only difference is the nap it occured on. Today it came after my 7.20am nap, which is pretty late for an oversleep. I think I drove myself to sleep by reading and playing Pheonix Wright just before my nap. I was so tired, that I even started my nap 10 minutes earlier than usual.

Daytime has never been a problem and this didn't change today. Although I took 2 of my naps 20 minutes too late there was no further problem. And I know one thing for sure: There will be no oversleep in the next night!

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Sunday, June 10, 2007

Day 40 - Lucid Dreaming

Last night I went for my 3.20 nap and... failed. My plan was to spend the night watching Mushishi, but instead I slept for 5 hours. I don't know why this happened, maybe because of my meal at that time. At 2.30am I had a (too) big portion of Chinese veggies with some tofu and rice, I think that knocked me out.

Later, on my 3.20pm nap, I experienced something new. I had my very first lucid dream. I wrote, that I had one at the beginning of my experiment, but now I think that I was wrong. This one was much more intense.
A fly bothered me while taking my nap and so I could not really fall asleep. Time after time I had to scare it off which made it impossible for me to fall asleep completely. I was half asleep most of the time, but at the end of my nap, the fly suddenly stopped bothering me. I fell asleep in an instant and after this long time of changing between different stages of sleep I knew, that I was sleeping. Then I was able to control my steps, and by concentrating really hard on what I saw, I was able to maintain this dream. Had I just rushed through this dream, I think it would have been over before I even recognized it. I walked and turned around very slowly, and then I tried a few things. A little bit hovering was possible, but no flying. Then I created a too-big-for-life HDTV, I think it must have had about 200" or something like that. After that I was able to create a fireball in my right palm. Right after this success, the damn fly woke me up again.
On my next nap it happened again, but this time it was only about 10 seconds, then it was over, and I didn't dream anymore on this nap.

Well, I hope this happens again sometimes.

I had another oversleep at my 23.30pm nap, but this wasn't as spectacular as my previous one. I didn't set up my alarm correctly so I slept 45 extra minutes until my pal woke me up. I hope that's enough oversleep for the next days.

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Saturday, June 9, 2007

Day 39 - Byebye 12 minutes sleep

I successfully mastered the last night, but one thing changed already. When I had my 3.20am nap this morning, I did wake up after 12 minutes again. But this time I was so tired, that I had to get back to sleep again. But I think if this occurs again when I'm not tired, I might be getting up again after 12 minutes naps.

The rest of the day felt great. I felt no fatigue at all when talking to the old lady (as every Friday) and today there was a lot of talking and less cleaning.

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Friday, June 8, 2007

Day 38 - Blackout

What the... I have no clue what happened last night. I know that I made some food at 4am and then I somehow, somewhen went to bed. I woke up at 9.45am, so I guess I slept for approximately 5 hours. I don't remember any fatigue or anything, I think I just laid down for a moment, a moment that turned out to be very long.

After my 11.20am nap some things changed. I decided not to go to sleep again, if I wake up after my usual 12 minutes. And just on my next nap I had the chance to try this out. I slowly woke up, only to find out that I indeed slept for 12 minutes. I took off my blindfold and my headphones(for waking me via an mp3) and stood up. I felt really good. I felt great. So I think that I will do it again.

At the same time I decided to finally shorten my nap length to 20 minutes. Since I need less time to fall asleep I think I can handle that. My 19.20pm nap was my first 20 minutes nap and I didn't feel any difference to my previous naps. I'll see how well this works out in the next days and maybe I'll try some other lengths.

Looks like there will be a lot of experimenting in the next time.

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Thursday, June 7, 2007

Day 37 - Nothing to do

Today I stretched my walk with the dog up to 3 hours. That was quite exhausting and I was glad that I was at any rate not late for my 11.20am nap. I had the rest of my naps in time, except for my 11.20pm nap. I was a bit sluggish and so I laid down again after waking up, which resulted in about 10-15 minutes of extra sleep.

When I started I had no problem to stand up immediately after I awoke. Now it gets harder and harder, manly because there is nothing that big to do most of the time.

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Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Day 36 - This doesn't get me down

Today's oversleep was so small, it isn't even worth mentioning. I slept for 45 more minutes after my 7.20am nap. I was still in time for my walkout with the dog, so I don't feel like I miss something.

That's what bothers me even more than the drawback on my adaption. I hate it, when my oversleep is destroying wonderful plans I made for that night. After all I'm still very busy doing everything I'd like to do, so an oversleep that lasts several hours is always a loss for me.

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Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Week 5

I would really call this week a success. There were more nights without major oversleep than in the last weeks, and since my monophasic sleep on Saturday I feel better than in a long time. But there are still a few things on my mind that bother me.

One of my first thoughts about polyphasic sleep was, that I would have significantly more time and with that, finally some time to spend on my piano. But since I started my Ubermansleep 5 weeks ago, I hardly even touched my piano. I just can't find the right time, since there is so much to do between two naps. Changing this would be a huge success for me, and I hope that I will be able to, before I quit my polyphasic sleep schedule.

I have to admit, that my nap quality changed a lot since the beginning. I can now sleep in about 1-2 minutes, I just have to concentrate on my nap before I actually take it. After my naps I feel like I was asleep for 8 hours or something like that and really have to start the day over again. My dreams are so long that I just can't believe that I slept only for 25 minutes.
The odd thing is, that I still wake up sometimes after 10-12 minutes, just like in my first week. I wake up in a state of full alertness and I already feel, as if I had slept several hours. Thus I ALWAYS think, that I overslept, until I look on my alarm. When I realize, that only 10 minutes passed, I lay down again for another chunk of sleep. I wonder what that means. I think I could try to shorten my nap length to 20 minutes since I now fall asleep so fast.

Some new experiment some new problems. I'll keep you posted of the results

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Day 35 - Uberman on the Moon

Hmm, already? didn't see this coming. I had some minor oversleep from 12am to 4am. I was still on my schedule to watch "Man on the Moon" at 4.15am, and then I screwed up again. Not really screwed up, I just mixed up my sleeping times and so I had a nap at 6.20am instead of 7.20am. After all I felt no real consequences from this, but it was still unnecessary.

This night I was in company again until 3am and so far I don't feel like oversleeping. Company IS a great way to stay awake and I am always happy to have it.

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Monday, June 4, 2007

Day 34- Sunday, Cake

I would have been truly disappointed if oversleep had occurred on the first night after my re-start. I didn't happen and was in a perfect shape all through the night. Both of my grandmothers were here for a visit, so there was more than enough food, more that I could eat. With all the cookies and pies and candies I think I will have more than enough energy to make it through the night.

Well, at least I hope it's about energy. There was fat involved, but that was a long time before my nocturnal naps. I don't think the influence will be big...

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Sunday, June 3, 2007

Day 33 - Recover from Oversleep

Yesterday after my 11:20pm nap I was so tired, that I decided to get one night of full monophasic sleep. And my body didn't object. I slept from about 12am to 9am and woke up extremely refreshed. My polyphasic sleep experience didn't stop my body to sleep in one big chunk, so I'm either flexible in this, or not adapted yet.

I think this will definitely help me with my Ubermansleep. Until yesterday I felt that my body was just too sleepy all in all, like running on low fuel. Even if my Ubermansleep was enough to maintain my status, my status was crap and so I reset it. Now I'm recharged and I hope that I will be able to maintain my status. In a week I will know more.

Well, this long monophasic sleep wasn't all. Right after my decision to be strong again, to start anew I... well, I didn't set my alarm up properly, so it didn't rung after my 11.20am nap, which resulted in another 2 hours oversleep XD
Good Omen!

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Saturday, June 2, 2007

Day 32 - 2 Days is a row!

Wow, two times in a row,
Yep, I was up all night again. I skipped the dog today, because a friend was staying over night. Nonetheless I went out to do my weekly cleaning and this time my drowsiness went away after my ride with the bike to the first apartment. The rest of the day was no problem, although I was badly interrupted at my 3.20pm nap.

Now I wonder why I was able to do it two days in a row. Today was very similar to yesterday, in many ways. I had the same pizza and the same candies, and again I had a companion for the night. Maybe it's the food, maybe it's the good company, I have enough time to find out, what it is.

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Friday, June 1, 2007

Day 31 - Yatta!

I did it. The night was mine, mine alone. I spent the whole night playing my new Oblivion Char and I was able to do so without any minute of oversleep. I took my 3.20 nap at my friends home and soon after it I went home. The 3.20am nap was always the biggest problem, but today I just rushed through it without any problem at all. Weird enough after all the pizza and candies.

Today my new bed arrived, well it's the same as before, but the old one just wore off so fast, that we had it exchanged. That combined with me new mp3 is just perfect so far. I cut the white noise out off my mp3, because I think that this constant input prevented me from dreaming. All the time I was using my first mp3 In never had any dreams at all. But after only two naps with my new one, I already had one. Too bad, since the white noise cut me off from the rest of the world and especially from my loud and noisy neighbours, who made me close my window every time I have a nap, until I used the white noise. I have to do this again now and I hate to sleep with all windows closed, but there's nothing I could do about it.

My meals last evening made me rethink my diet. The last time I was able to stay up all night was Sunday. And just like yesterday I had two warm meals, combined with a lot of unnecessary candies. So maybe part of my oversleep problem was that I did not eat enough. Maybe I just didn't have the energy to stay up at night. I will try to eat some more allover the day and especially some sugar at night. Let's see what this will bring.

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Month 1

Finally, my first monthly report.

A lot of things happened and most of them were to my disadvantage. My Uberman sleep experiment started better than anything I had ever expected. The first week was so great, that I almost believed I could skip the adaption and go on being an happy Uberman right from the beginning. There was only minor fatigue at night and no problem at all to get up from my naps. Surprisingly this was the best week of all, and I still can't believe that, because everything I read points into the opposite direction. Maybe this week hyped me up so much, that I thought I could be more lazy about the whole experiment. Maybe I would be better off without a first week like that.

My second week was almost like week one, only worse. Not much, but it was not as much of a success as the first one, and I think I should have seen this back then. Maybe I could have prevented the following two weeks.

I still hope that the third week was responsible for what happened on week 4. I was out a lot, buying equipment for me new PC and I was very lazy to keep my sleeping times. 30-60 minutes was almost the standard and I thought it wouldn't have any impact on me.

In the last week, I slept almost as much as in my previous monophasic phase. Every night was a trial and most of the time I failed.

All of this happened so fast, yet I can't believe that only one month passed. If I think back I can really feel the time I had while sleeping in a proper Uberman way. In the first weeks I was with my friends almost 4-5 days a week and I still had lots of time for everything I wanted to do.

I was planning to do this at least for 2 months, and I hope that I will be able to stay with this course. If not, this will be a big failure, even more than the first month was. But after all I didn't lose the hope to adapt to Uberman, so I will go on.

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