Sunday, July 1, 2007

Day 61 - 22 again

Last night was a bit better. I slept only from 5.20am to 7.20am, and used Counter Strike Source to prevent me from falling asleep. My 2 hours of sleep felt just like one short nap, but I was way more exhausted than after a standard nap.

With this 5.20am nap I tried to reduce my nap length back to 20 minutes, but it seems as if that was a hasty decision. But still, 25 minutes feel a bit too long.

With my 3.20pm nap I tried it again, but this time I chose 22 minutes instead of 20. So far I am really glad that I did this. My naps feel good once again and the wake up procedure is a lot less painful than before. The next night will be child's play...

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badtzmaru said...

Oh, it's 61 days!! O_O I can't believe you're still holding up!! Yay, don't give up! :D

I'm going to read your weekly summaries to see how you've been doing. @_@

How long are you experimenting with this again?

badtzmaru said...

Wait!! This last entry is from July?!?! O_O

Have you finished or quit or just not blogged the past few months? I hope it's the first or last. T_T It seemed like you were doing okay until the last week...

badtzmaru said...

O_O You're going to try it again in 5-10 years?

cmichener said...

Wow man, how are you holding up? Hopefully well... polyphasic sleep is sweet. I've got my own blog at

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