Thursday, May 31, 2007

Day 30 - New Routine?

I will get through this...

Of course... I slept more than 50 minutes the last night. About 5 hours seems to normal now... but not acceptable. I still woke up alone and without alarm at 7.40am so that there was no problem with my daily schedule. After taking out the dog it was time to clean some staircases and so I was busy until 11am, right before my next nap.

The rest of my naps went fine and I was able to take all of them at the right time, so no delay today. In the evening it was time for my pizza and I couldn't avoid all these candies while spending the whole evening modding Oblivion with a fried of mine. The night is still to come, but I am expecting the worst...

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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Day 29 - No Hope


it's gone already. I overslept again, and again I knew that it would happen. I was fine until my 11.20pm nap, hyped about the night before. Then I overslept for about an hour, followed by major fatigue. But I began to slowly recover from this and at 3am I was almost awake. To bad that I didn't wake up until 7.20am.

Yes right, I overslept exactly until my next nap time. When I realized this, I turned my alarm to 7.45am so that I would have my usual nap for that time, right after this 4 hours oversleep.

The rest of the day was moderate at least. I still felt pretty tired after my nap and I doubt that I will be able to stay awake the next night. We'll see

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Week 4

This week was terrible. There wouldn't be much of a difference if I had slept monophasic. To be exact, there was only one day where I was able to be up the whole night. I tried and tried every night, and every night I failed, most of the time oversleeping after my 3.20am nap.

The mix between my disability to prevent my oversleep and my laziness after waking up was too much to handle. I hope, that I will be able to stop this by using my mp3 from now on. If not, I wonder if I will be able to adapt to Uberman at all. Yes, these thought already flickered through my head. I'm not giving up yet, but I feel pretty down.

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Day 28 - SUCCESS!

The titles says it all! The last night was just GREAT. I had almost no fatigue, not even after the critical 3.20 nap! If I think about it, it might even be the best night I had so far on my Ubermansleep. I used the time to watch some anime with English subtitles, and even the reading couldn't bring me down.

Finally I changed my usual sleeping
place. Well, you could say
it's still the same, but to me it's real difference. I use my bed as a sofa when sitting in front of my PC, but I never thought about keeping it that way for my naps. Since I figured that I was sleeping much better on the sofa in the living I asked myself, hmm, maybe your sofa/bed can do the same to your sleep. Well. maybe this made the difference and gave me this wonderful night. I will try this out some more, but at the moment I'm fully assured that with the two major changes in the last day I Will get back my success.

I have hope now. I still have to adapt, but now I think I can do it, and I think that I WILL do it.

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Monday, May 28, 2007

Day 27 - my very own MP3

So for this day is rather good. I was able to take all my naps exactly on time, although one my friends was here for about 10 hours. At 11.20pm I had no place to sleep, because there was someone in almost every room, so I used an old bench in the kitchen. Surprisingly I fell asleep very fast and was able to recover quite a bit.

Today I had to modify my mp3 again, because I found out that the white noise was actually even longer than 25 minutes. If you want to try it out, you can download the finished version here. It contains "Blue Orchid" by The White stripes and Identity by Shiina Ringo

I had two warm meals this day on the second one was full of fat cheese, not the best premises for the upcoming night, but I'll do my best!

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Sunday, May 27, 2007

Day 26 - The floor is not that hard

No good message I could share with you. I was able to finish my day with my 3.20am nap and wake up after it, but I laid down once more and thus slept until 8am. And once more I could have prevented this by willpower, which bothers me more than an oversleep like yesterday.

I was able to wake up at least and I think that was because I actually implemented the changes I spoke about. The floor is quite comfortable when you all tired and even if you feel otherwise, you won't have much time to complain about it before falling asleep.

My mp3 worked fine so far. It 25.5 minutes of white noise, followed immediately by loud rock songs and annoying alarms. I used 0.5 minutes more than needed to be able to lay down properly after turning on the file. There not much about it, but it definitely helps, because with earphones this alarm is a lot louder that my old alarm ever was. And with earphones it is possible for me to hear it that loud without disturbing my parents in the room next door.

Another day, another failure, but I won't give up yet.

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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Day 25 - Changes

Something has to change. When I finished the day by taking my 3.20am sleep, I knew that I was going to oversleep. Is was a bit more sleepy than usual, and that all day long. but I had no real problem to stay awake, not even while talking to the old lady like before. But at 3am I suddenly felt so exhausted, I knew that my alarm wouldn't be enough to wake me up. So I still went to bed and yes, I overslept exactly one circle and woke up at 7.50am.

I knew it was coming, but unable to do something. Well, was I? I think I could do some more to prevent such a breakdown.

1. Sleeping on the floor. I tried this once, but I wasn't even able to sleep, so there was no point in improving my awakening if there was no sleep. But I think in an extreme situation like that I would be able to sleep, and maybe it would help me to wake up. I hope so.

2. Finally creating my own sleep mp3. I will use the usual white noise you can hear in Placebo's file, but speed up the awakening phase a lot. I will start with a very loud song and if this doesn't wake me up in about 15 seconds I will use annoying alarms.

I really hope that I will be able to adapt and I hope it's getting better soon. So far it's gotten worse every week. Something has to change.

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Friday, May 25, 2007

Day 24 - Strictness

Good god, thanks. Almost no oversleep. Almost? yeah right, I managed to get some extra sleep again, but I think with this happening at 4pm on day 25 this is a story for the next blogpost. At least I got my naps on time again, I finally stopped this chaos that occured last week.

I really hope that I can maintain this status now, oversleep sucks and I felt bad almost every day of the last week. Adaption stopped, and I can't say that I like it where I am stuck now. I have one speculation going on here: Sugar consumption. I ate just too much of this stuff in the last days. Monday and Wednesday I was playing "The guild" with one of my friends and sugar was a steady companion. Then yesterday I ate all those cookies. I had to get off of sugar and I think and hope, that I succeeded in this today.

Damn, I seriously have to be more strict about all this.

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Day 23 - 500 gram

This is getting worse and worse. I overslept once again, but this time I went to bed at 11.20pm and woke up at about 6.15am. Yeah, right, this is long. And today I am the only one to blame for this.

Remember the 500g pizza I had yesterday? I ate another one today. And as if this wasn't enough I filled the rest of my stomach with cookies. That was very stupid, I should have known that. As if this wasn't enough, my alarm was turned off when I went to sleep. I had turned it off before and forgot to turn in on again, a thing I never expected for me to happen. So in conclusion this day was a disaster.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Day 22 - Happy New Week!

So today my fourth week on uberman begins, and I celebrated this with a very stupid act. After my 3.20am nap I decided to fight my fatigue by just lying in my bed and shut my eyes a bit. Yes, this is the single most stupid idea I ever had. Of course I fell asleep again. I can be lucky that my mom woke me up at 7.50am, so I was still able to keep my schedule with the dog.

I wanted to be more strict and now this. OK, FROM NOW ON! No oversleep, no lying in bed, I have to rise without a thought.

Nut without doubt, this small oversleep gave me a boost. I had no more problems, and even the 500g pizza I eat every Wednesday couldn't bring me down. In fact, this was the first time since the start of my Uberman Schedule that I actually eat the complete pizza at once. So far I ate 2/3 and the last third one nap later, so that my digestion doesn't make me sleepy. But today I was able to play "The Guild" until 5.30am. So, maybe this WAS a new start after all. Week 4, I'm coming!

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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Week 3

I wouldn't call this week successful, there was still way too many oversleep for my taste. There is still no end to the adaption and I think I will have to wait a while for that, IF it ever occurs. So far my Uberman experience is different from everything I have read before, so there is no chance for me to pre-estimate how this will end.

This week was full of napdelays. Almost every day I managed to miss one of my naps so that I got off the schedule for 15-30minutes, one time I even delayed my nap for more than 2 hours. This doesn't help me with my adaption, and so this is the first thing that will change with the upcoming week. I won't allow such a mess again, I'm sure of that. If there are noticeable consequences I might take one night off to regain the alertness I need for this experiment. That will be definitely better than struggling because I'm still tired of one messed up week.
golem out...

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Day 21 - Monday

Latest oversleepreport: 2 hours after my 3.20 nap. I didn't set up the alarm correctly, I forgot that the weekend was over (My alarm differs between two alarm times to setup: monday-friday and weekend.)

My 7.20 was unexpected great. I woke up without my alarm at the exact right time and I was awake in an instant. I was a bit sleepy after my 11.20pm nap, but that's it for today. Nothing special...

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Monday, May 21, 2007

Day 20 - 2 hours too late

Last night there was some kind of... incident. I was modding Oblivion to death, and while trying and comparing I totally forgot the time. I forgot not only time, but also my naps and so I took my 3.20am nap at 5.40am. On the one hand I hate myself, because this resulted in a heavy oversleep (of course). But on the other hand I am surprised that I did not get sleepy, I mean what the hell, I was 2 hours to late at my critical nap and I didn't notice it.

After that I learned my lesson (At least for today) and I took the rest of my naps without delay.

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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Day 19 - More delay

I'm pretty tired. The last night was exhausting, I hate to setup a new PC. It was a lot of work to find the right configuration for my HDTV and my graphic card to cooperate.

I slept for about three hours from 6am to 9.15am, but was able to take the rest of my naps without oversleep. I delayed two naps again, one for 15, one for 25 minutes. I don't like it, but I couldn't help it at that time. Although I'm not tired yet, I'm sure that the night will be hard.

Today I had to catch up my cleaning. The old lady didn't mind that I was coming one day later, she was glad that I cam eat all. As I said I was tired and talking to the old lady for a while after the cleaning was done, didn't wake me up either. I hard a hard time listening to her and not closing my eyes. I wonder if she noticed it, I must have looked weird.

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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Day 18 - RAM!

Confusion everywhere. I moved my cleaning jobs to 4pm, right after my 3.20pm nap, to be able to accept the delivery (My RAM). Well, usually the postman shows up at 10-11am. I waited and waited and no one showed up. Then finally at 2.50pm, I got my RAM. I decided to delay on of the two cleaning jobs until tomorrow, the other was done very fast, because I had to install Windows until evening. The guild 2 screamed for some multiplayer action.

Concerning my naps: I was able to make it through the night, although I got sleepy at 6am again. I was able to take my naps, but the on at 7.20pm had to wait because of stupid installing circumstances. We played until 3am and then I went home for my last nap of the day.

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Friday, May 18, 2007

Day 17 - One last step is yet to come

Ok, last night was definitely better, although I had that big fat pizza. I made it through the night without problems and since today is public holiday, I didn't even have to take care about the dog

I hate public holidays. They occur every time when I am waiting for something to arrive by mail. This time it's my RAM for the new PC. I have all the components here except the RAM, so I am eagerly waiting for this to arrive. I guess it will be tomorrow and that will be problem, because the postman is most likely to come at the time I am doing my weekly cleaning jobs. Maybe I'll delay them to wait for the package...

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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Day 16 - More Pizza!

Day 16, a Wednesday. Something is wrong today. I usually meet up with a friend Wednesday evening, but that has to drop out today. I still eat my traditional pizza though. I struggle every Wednesday with this and I'm grateful that this big mountain of fat didn't blew up my naps. I had some salad with it so at least it seemed to be more healthful.

Last night after my 3.20am nap I had a pretty hard time. I struggled to stay awake, sitting on my couch and surfing in the Internet. I felt worst between 6 and 7am, after that my alertness went up again.

I was quite tired all day, but not had no problems to take all my naps without oversleep.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Day 15 - What time is it?

And yet again, I forgot to take my nap. At 3.20pm I was happily surfing in the Internet, not knowing that I should be sleeping. I realise it about half an hour too late, and when I finally went to my bed, I was almost 50 minutes behind my schedule. I can't say that I suffered form any drawbacks caused by this, I just went to my next nap on time and everything went fine.

The evening went fine as well, Diablo 2 was no problem again. We stuck to my schedule and played until 3am. However at the end I started to suffer from some fatigue and was very relieved that it was already time for my nap.

I decided that from now on my 3.20 will be the end of my day, so the rest of the night will laid down in my next post.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Week 2

So I finally reached the mystical mark. Two weeeks on uberman. Akkording to my original plan, I should be adapted by now, and able to do anything I want at every time of the day. Well my original plan, did not anticipate constant oversleep, so screw my original plan.

The last week was worse than my first week. I had more and more oversleep and I don't even know why. I originally thought, that my sleep would improve day by day after the first week, but I didn't work that way. Almost the opposite was the case, and so far there is no stop this.

My diet runs great, I ate now meat so far and it suprisingly doesn't bother me. I'm gathring a lot of recipes and maybe I will stay with this for a while even if I stop this experiment. It's interesting to try out what you can do with just some veggies.

I'm looking forward to my next week and I'm almost sure that I will be able to improve my naps.

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Day 14 - The day after..

Day 14, the end of week two. Nice to start this with the big fat oversleep from last night.
I tooke my other naps without problems, but I didn' really managed to get them in time. I screwed two of them up by taking these naps 30-50 minutes too late. I just forgot it

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Monday, May 14, 2007

Day 13 - Got Sleep?

Again!?! this morning I slept from 7.20am until 10.20am. That was not really, what I intended to do. And surprisingly this was the first time that I overslept in the living room. So far this has been my secret little chamber of hope, a oversleep proof room. Is this going to affect my adaption? I think so, and I curse every single of oversleep I get. And I think this is quite unfair, because there is nothing I can do about it. If it was major fatigue through the day, something like this, I could fight it, but if I don't even reach consciousness, what can I do about it?

Well, of course this wasn't enough for me. I went to bed at 11.20pm. And I woke up? Yesss, 8am! Shit, this was really unexpected. Thanks to my mom I was at least able to take out the dog, although I was a little bit too late. But still... this is bad.

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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Day 12 - Machina Ex Deus

Nothing big happened. I was able to take all my nap without problems and even had a good time at night. Diablo 2 was no problem tonight, we played until my 3.20am nap without thinking about it.
I ordered all components for my new PC, so it's once again time to wait for the mail to arrive. Next week will be constant waiting. I hope I won't be asleep when the postman rings^^

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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Day 11 - Alarm!

Another big O.
Today i overslept at 7.20p, just like Tuesday, and just like Tuesday I was woken up by the same friend, who arrived at the same time. I hate it. And I don't remember anything. My alarm wasn't even in my reach so the only possibility is that the sound just didn't wake me up. And that would really be a problem, If I can't even control oversleep by force, then there is no point in trying to adapt to this sleep cycle. But I don't give up yet. Maybe I'm wrong with this assumption and even if not... maybe I CAN do something about it...

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Friday, May 11, 2007

Day 10 - Just Forget

The slight fatigue at night really starts to bother me. I spent most of the night sitting on my couch and surfing the internet, which was really hard to maintain with the actual amount of sleepiness. But I was really to lazy to get up and do something else so I had to cope with this. I don't think that I slep any longer than maybe 30 seconds at once so I don't consider this to be oversleep, but it was a state of almost zero alertness.

Today was the second time that just forgot to take my nap. it was 3.20pm and then it was 3.30pm and then, well it was 3.50pm before I realized that I had to take my nap. I wonder why my body didn't seem to demand any sleep at that time. I take this as a sign, that I'm not nearly adapted

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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Day 9 - No Ubersleep

Today was OK, I guess. I had some mayor fatigue at the end when playing Diablo 2 with my usual companion, but this started at about 2pm. After all I am glad that I didn't overslept.

Oversleep. I was just wondering about this word. Our beloved term Ubermansleep comes from Nietzsche's "Uebermensch". Now the direct translation of Ueber is "Over". With other word the thing we Ubermans hate most is Ubersleep. You can't follow me? Doesn't matter if you don't get the point^^

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Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Day 8 - The Fantastic Five

So, today I finally gave it a try: 20 minutes instead of 25.
I thought about it the whole day, because this has been my goal once. I am very satisfied with the 25 minutes and I don't think that these 30 minutes every hurt me. But still, I wanted to do some experiments, after all this has been an experiment from the beginning.

I started at 7.20pm. Critical time, I know but that was the first nap after my decision, so it couldn't be helped. I had invited a friend of mine and he wanted to arrive around 11pm. This was big luck for me, because he was able to wake me up. Yes oversleep No. 2, approximately 3 hours.
That was reason enough for me to go back to my long long 25 minutes nap :)

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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Week 1

The first week is over and now it's time for some random thoughts.
In the last three months I read so much about polyphasic sleep, that I felt prepared to face it all. I already saw myself in zombie mode, aimlessly wandering through the streets. I prepared myself to fight and struggle, to sleep on the floor for an easier awakening. I gathered all the information I found in one article (Not yet online in English) and looked forward to following my own suggested steps to success.
But most of it changed.

After 4 days on Uberman I was still awake without a problem and highly alert, the only restriction I found was to read a book at 5am. I had a crash at the end of day 4, but after that, I could return to my usual schedule as if nothing happened. This first week was so easy, I just can't believe it, and I think I have to thank my 3 months of daily napping for that.

As for my general perception of time, I can not report any major changes. I have no problems to divide time into days at all. Maybe this is caused by my daily duties concerning the dog. This is my new reset point, I take my shower and my breakfast after it, so there still is a daily routine. And the odd thing is, that I still divide time in waking and sleeping time. In other words, the time between about 3am and 8 am really feels like extra time. In that period I kept thinking, 'hell yeah, thank god that I don't have to sleep'. It is as if Uberman only matters in this short time span, as if the rest of the day would be completely left out by it. I still use the day as usual, but instead of going to sleep, I just stay awake.
I don't feel this continuous consciousness Steve Pavlina was talking about, it's more like a switch between the good old day mode and the new ubermanenhanced night mode.

Although there is some routine in my daily life, I can't get used to brush my teeth. Taking a shower is no problem, most days I do it right after my walk, but the teeth are a problem. Even before I started Uberman, I often forgot to brush my teeth on weekend-mornings. To brush them before going to bed is an easy habit, but I'm just too lazy in the morning if there is no routine for the day.
Now that I have no end of the day, I even forget to brush my teeth in the evening. I will have to come up with some fixed times for that.

So far I've successfully changed to a vegetarian lifestyle. My family supports me with this and my mom even said she would try it along with me. So far, I don't miss the meat.

Well, that was my first week on Uberman... I wonder what I will write next week!

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Day 7 - 15 minutes of fame

Monday morning, time for the dog. The whole day fitted completely in my Ubermanroutine, no oversleep and some faint fatigue at 04:00am. But there was one interesting development. Yesterday I still thought that this could be a coincidence, but now I am not that sure anymore.

If I sum it up, I think it happened about 6 times in the last two days. I woke up almost exactly 15 minutes after I started my nap. I was a bit confused, and most of the time I thought I overslept, until I looked on my alarm. After that I laid down again and fell immediately to sleep again. I already heard of people who were satisfied with only 15 minutes naps, but never thought I could reach that goal. This would be too awesome, but at the moment I won't try this. I'll stick with my 25 minutes and maybe later, if this occurs again and again, I could try it one day.

I'm already thinking about changing to 20 minutes, but I'm not sure about that. I don't want to mess with my adaption, but who knows, maybe it will be even better than 25 minutes.

I spent the evening playing video games with a friend again, and I ended up as sleepy as usual. Well, maybe a little bit better, but I wouldn't bet on it...

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Monday, May 7, 2007

Day 6 - Daylight sucks

No, I didn't die of sleep deprivation, I just didn't have the time to update this blog. I hope I can still catch up, because a lot of things happened as one might think.
It' Sunday, so I didn't need to care about the dog. This was rather nice, but I could have helped to fight my fatigue this morning. I spent the night playing Heroes V again, so I was still tired from just sitting there in front of the screen. On the other hand I'm still wondering about the "adaption". Playing a turn based strategy game with a second player on day 5-6. I mean half of the time I had nothing to do but sit there and watch, still I didn't fell asleep. It's hard, but it works.
Today was the first time for me to try a nap without my blindfold. It was everything but successful. I took me way too long to get asleep and even the bit I got was not satisfying. So there is no way for me to abandon my blindfold. Surprisingly I found it to be very helpful especially at my nocturnal naps. Sleeping in complete darkness would almost certainly result in oversleeping, so I try to avoid that. Instead I use a diffuse faint lamp to enlighten my room and in addition to that my blindfold. That way I am not in the dark when stripping it off and can get used to the light again.

Soon I will be one week on Uberman. I hope there will be no more oversleep until then...

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Day 5 - A New Hope

I woke up at 6.15am today, after my 11 wonderful hours of sleep. I don't have to add that this made my day.
My naps for this day were completely messed up. My 7.20am and 11.20am nap were fine, but at after my 3.20 nap I was barely able to wake up. My father had to drag me out of bed and I was so confused, I didn't even know that I was sleeping until then. The next nap went into the opposite direction: I was only able to sleep for about 5 minutes.

I tried Placebo's sleep track in all these naps, but after all, I switched back to my alarm. The sleep track didn't really wake me up. When I was finally conscious it was already one or two minutes over my estimated 25 minutes. That's way too slow for me, I'm happier if I'm promptly awake, not to forget that I trained my body to wake up with my actual alarm. So, I'll stick with my alarm for a while.

I hope this incident last night doesn't slow my adaption down significantly. Even if it would set me back to day one it couldn't bother me, because the first 4 days were much better than I could ever hope. I think I would even maintain this sleep schedule if there was not further adaption. I'm not tired on daytime, so I could choose between tired at night + active, or just sleep the whole night. I think I would go for tired + activity

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Friday, May 4, 2007

Day 4 - So it happened

Yeah, right it happened.
No.1 Ubermanproblem,
O V E R S L E E P.
But I wasn't satisfied with some hours, nooo... I like it Super Size. 11 HOURS!
I went to bed for my 7.20pm nap and awoke on day 5 6.15am. And I don't even know why. Right before my nap I made my first tofu meal with my father and I was curious of how it would taste. I was in a rush to complete my nap. And then it happened.
My father tried to wake me up after an hours, but just by yelling at me, not by real force which was pretty useless. So he decided to let me sleep...

The rest of the day wasn't much different than the day before: I was sleepy between 12.30am and 1.45 am, then recovered pretty fast and started the day by taking out the dog for a walk. After that I had my 7.20am nap, satisfying at least, and went out to clean some staircases for the old ladies. I was back right in time for my 11.20am nap and had no problems waking up at all.

I was not tired at all, I didn't even yawn one time the whole day after my 7:20am nap. I found Eledees (Elebits in the US) for Wii in my mailbox and played for 1 or 2 hours. Then suddenly I couldn't keep my eyes open and screwed up the level I actually played. As soon as I turned off the Wii to surf in the Internet my fatigue was gone.

My 3:20pm nap came and once again just like every time before, I woke up, turned out the alarm and stood up. No problem. You see, I really don't have any hint of why I overslept. I checked my alarm, the timing was right, he should have rung. Well, maybe he didn't, I can't say that. The last time I ate something was at 12am so I shouldn't have any impact on my second nap after that.

Soo... Solutions:

  • I think I will try to sleep on my bed without a blanket and fully dressed. I didn't do that before, because I was more worried to fall asleep than to wake up properly. I should have done that earlier since I was sometimes (day 2-3 I guess) very confused when waking up. I will sleep on the magical dream couch as much as I can and say goodbye to my bed
  • I will stop using my alarm and instead try Placebos sleep track. The white noise shouldn't bother my parents although they sleep in the room beside me. I will disconnect my keyboard from my PC (I'm already using a USB extension cable, so I won't have to crawl behind my PC) to not be able to use the pause button. Of course I will be able to shut down the noise by turning off my surround system, but it will be hard to find the off button when I'm sleepy. I will try to get used to reconnecting my keyboard, so that I don't even think about turning off my sound system.
Well, maybe I should try to sleep without my blindfold. I used it from the very beginning and don't know if I am able to sleep without it.

After all that happened, I won't lose my confidence. I felt good most of the time (About 9/10) and was only sleepy at night. My first 4 days went better than I ever thought they would and I was able to do about everything I want, except reading. This is a drawback, but since I felt so good the first days, I think this doesn't bother me that much. I have months to get used to this after all!

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Day 3 - waiting

Day 3 started just great: This time not only my 03:20am, but also my 07:20am naps were filled with dreams. Weird dreams about my friends speaking Japanese or my room being damaged by water. So, am I really getting REM sleep already? It would be nice to know that 3 moonths of preparations didn't go to waste, but it's still hard to believe. And I don't think it was a coincidence that I dreamt only on two days in a row. Well, today the first nap wasn't as restorative as my first 03:20am nap, but after 07:20 it was all back to normal.

Now there was one change after all. Just like on my first 03:20am nap, I slept on the couch instead of the bed. And so far all the three times that I slept on that couch, I had dreams, but not one time when I was in bed. Maybe it's some kind of magical dream couch...

I found the hardest time of the day to be between 12am and 3 am. Depending on what I'm doing, it's kinda hard to keep my eyes open. It's not the whole time, just everyday on this time frame one hour occurs that really strikes me.

Overall I still felt like I was on my first day. No fatigue (except the time between 12am and 3am) and not even a bad feeling disturbed me. It was like... waiting for some sleep dep. I really wonder when this will start and how I will fell then.

At the moment I am really amazed of how easy it is to live vegetarian. I thought I would miss my meat on every meal, but it doesn't seem that way. And just today my mother decided to go vegetarian as well. She isn't a heavy meat eater at all, so she won't have any problem I guess.
And tomorrow will be my first Tofu meal... I'm curious.

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Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Day 2 - Just another day

After my 3.20 nap I felt a lot better. The fatigue was gone and I was able to make some food and write the previous post. The rest of day 2 was like a copy of the first day. I had no problems with my naps at all, until it came to midnight. The fatique started again and I was really looking forward to my 3:20 nap (already on day 3). And surprisingly, I had another dream at 3.20am. I did not awake before the alarm this time, but the intensity of the dream was even. The only difference is that I'm still very tired after this 3.20 nap.

I noticed that I was quite confused after some of my naps today. At first glance I didn't know why the alarm was ringing, and what I was supposed to do. One time I even expected that the alarm would turn me off. On the other hand I felt great all the day. Ok, in the moring I still was not able to read , but later I could even bathe in the sun with my eyes closed without feeling the urge to start sleeping right away.

I wonder if the 3:20 nap will always contain dreams form now on. I would be nice to have at least one REM nap right from the start. For now I just hope, that my sleep dep will not get any heavier, but I don't have high hopes for that. I think I will soon begin to play more videogames and the piano to stay awake.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Day 1 - What the heck?

Ok, this day was crazy. Just as this post will be.

In the Prologue I said, that I had no duties and no work until October. This changed a bit. As I wrote, I worked the last 9 months in the local protestant church. One of my duties was to clean the homes of three old ladies on a weekly basis. Until August there will be no one to replace me, so I agreed to continue this until the next "Zivi" arrives. One of my better assignments was to take the dog of my boss out for a walk 2 times in my 8 hour working day. Since I started my polyphasic sleep experiment just now, I decided to continue with this as well, but now it's only one time a day at 8am. I hope this will be able to wake me up in the morning, at least on workdays.

So, my first day as a polyphasic sleep began at 03.50am. I made some changes to my website, listened to some music and waited for my first nap. I was not able to sleep (what a surprise!) and when my alarm went off after 30 minutes I felt a little bit dizzy. Just as I expected.
The next naps were not successful either. I was sort of asleep, but then I woke up in the middle of my naps, just to spent some more minutes completely awake. I decided to shorten the 30 minutes naps immediately on day 2.

At 9pm I went to a friend of mine to play some Heroes of Might and Magic V while watching M.D. House and Monk. Even before my 11.20 nap I became very sleepy, but after this 30 minutes I was really down. It was hard not to fall asleep in front of the monitor. I actually thought about stopping the experiment. No joke. On day 1. As if my body was speaking to me, I asked myself: "What's the point in all this? Is it worth the effort?". I'm still wondering that this tiny bit of tiredness made my thoughts go into that direction. I felt exhausted.

Now it's already day 2, but I can't just skip what happened on my first nap (3.20am). This was the first nap with 25 minutes instead of 30, so I expected to feel even more tired than before. But.. BUT! I woke up about 10 seconds before the alarm went off. I woke up from a real vivid dream. A DREAM! And I still remember what happened. I thought my first dream would occur on the end of the first week, or some days later. And I wasn't sure if I EVER would be able to wake up without an alarm. Now it happened both on day 2 on the critical 3am nap.

I think my 3 months of daily napping (exactly 25 minutes - every time) are really paying off now. I already wrote that I woke up in the middle of my 30 minute naps, but when I think about it again, I bet that I woke up after 25 minutes every time.

Now? Now I feel great. This last nap really changed everything. I'm really curious how long my adaption will take with a success like this in the beginning.

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