Friday, May 11, 2007

Day 10 - Just Forget

The slight fatigue at night really starts to bother me. I spent most of the night sitting on my couch and surfing the internet, which was really hard to maintain with the actual amount of sleepiness. But I was really to lazy to get up and do something else so I had to cope with this. I don't think that I slep any longer than maybe 30 seconds at once so I don't consider this to be oversleep, but it was a state of almost zero alertness.

Today was the second time that just forgot to take my nap. it was 3.20pm and then it was 3.30pm and then, well it was 3.50pm before I realized that I had to take my nap. I wonder why my body didn't seem to demand any sleep at that time. I take this as a sign, that I'm not nearly adapted

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