Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Day 22 - Happy New Week!

So today my fourth week on uberman begins, and I celebrated this with a very stupid act. After my 3.20am nap I decided to fight my fatigue by just lying in my bed and shut my eyes a bit. Yes, this is the single most stupid idea I ever had. Of course I fell asleep again. I can be lucky that my mom woke me up at 7.50am, so I was still able to keep my schedule with the dog.

I wanted to be more strict and now this. OK, FROM NOW ON! No oversleep, no lying in bed, I have to rise without a thought.

Nut without doubt, this small oversleep gave me a boost. I had no more problems, and even the 500g pizza I eat every Wednesday couldn't bring me down. In fact, this was the first time since the start of my Uberman Schedule that I actually eat the complete pizza at once. So far I ate 2/3 and the last third one nap later, so that my digestion doesn't make me sleepy. But today I was able to play "The Guild" until 5.30am. So, maybe this WAS a new start after all. Week 4, I'm coming!

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