Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Day 50 - Great Teacher Onizuka!!

Wow, day 50. Too bad that there is no way for me to celebrate it with my bad eye and my recent core naps^^

Last night I stayd up until roughly 3am and then went to bed. My newly beloved 5 hours sleep gave me a good rest and my eye felt much better after that. I took the rest of the naps in time, watched the end of Great Teacher Onizuka and went to the cinema to see Hot Fuzz, which I found to be great. Cinema with my eye was not as bad as yesterday, but I still had to close it 2-3 times. Don't think that I have to be afraid of this.

And finally Battlestar Galactica Season 2.1 arrived. It will be our new TV show for our pizza-wednesday. Tomorrow we'll watch the first episode, whooho

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