Saturday, June 23, 2007

Day 53 - Polyphasic Strike

Last night was quite good, but not perfect. I played Counterstrike for the first time in years and this really helped me to stay awake. As long as I played I felt no fatigue at all, that was great. I played until my 3.20am nap and had no problems to stand up after it. I decided that I would take an extra nap at 5.20 from now on, but somehow I fell asleep before it and woke up at 6am. Then I thought that I would still take my extra nap (although I just had slept) and then a sleeping Odyssey began. I practically slept until 7:50 but not in one chunk. Instead I decided to take another nap immediately after waking up from the previous one. I was barely awake for about 30 seconds between the naps, but that is still worth mentioning I guess.

Daytime nap were no problem again, but I felt unusual tired all the day. Then at 10.20pm I started a 40 minutes IQ test. After approximately 30-35 minutes for this test I fell asleep again :D
This time only for 30-40 minutes, but it still bothered me. After I woke up I took my regular nap. Then I was completely exhausted. Yes, I was exhausted of sleeping. I couldn't explain it, but just like in the night before I felt more and more tired with every minute I slept. So for the rest of the night I chose to take my naps every 2 hours instead of every 4. I desperately hope that this will help...

Wow, now that was a weird day. Somehow I wasn't able to fight my fatigue, not even by sleeping more. My wild nap session at 6am felt out of control. I hope that I can forget this day very fast and move on.

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