Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Day 15 - What time is it?

And yet again, I forgot to take my nap. At 3.20pm I was happily surfing in the Internet, not knowing that I should be sleeping. I realise it about half an hour too late, and when I finally went to my bed, I was almost 50 minutes behind my schedule. I can't say that I suffered form any drawbacks caused by this, I just went to my next nap on time and everything went fine.

The evening went fine as well, Diablo 2 was no problem again. We stuck to my schedule and played until 3am. However at the end I started to suffer from some fatigue and was very relieved that it was already time for my nap.

I decided that from now on my 3.20 will be the end of my day, so the rest of the night will laid down in my next post.

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badtzmaru said...

Ack, I haven't been checking up on you!! >_< I can't believe it's only been two weeks. @_@

I hope you stop oversleeping! >_< I'm glad you're still doing well, though. Keep hanging in there! Q@_@g

And wow, you stopped eating meat, too?? You're so gungho! @_@ Actually, I've been thinking about becoming a vegetarian too (but not too seriously) so will you teach me one day? >_<

golem09 said...

I'm not a good teacher for this XD
And it has not been two weeks, more like a whoe month now. But I missed to write my blog for about 2 weeks, that's why I do this now. Simultaneously I write my daily reports, but I won't publish them until I finished these two weeks. Only 6 more posts to write, then I will publish about 3 post a day^^