Friday, June 1, 2007

Day 31 - Yatta!

I did it. The night was mine, mine alone. I spent the whole night playing my new Oblivion Char and I was able to do so without any minute of oversleep. I took my 3.20 nap at my friends home and soon after it I went home. The 3.20am nap was always the biggest problem, but today I just rushed through it without any problem at all. Weird enough after all the pizza and candies.

Today my new bed arrived, well it's the same as before, but the old one just wore off so fast, that we had it exchanged. That combined with me new mp3 is just perfect so far. I cut the white noise out off my mp3, because I think that this constant input prevented me from dreaming. All the time I was using my first mp3 In never had any dreams at all. But after only two naps with my new one, I already had one. Too bad, since the white noise cut me off from the rest of the world and especially from my loud and noisy neighbours, who made me close my window every time I have a nap, until I used the white noise. I have to do this again now and I hate to sleep with all windows closed, but there's nothing I could do about it.

My meals last evening made me rethink my diet. The last time I was able to stay up all night was Sunday. And just like yesterday I had two warm meals, combined with a lot of unnecessary candies. So maybe part of my oversleep problem was that I did not eat enough. Maybe I just didn't have the energy to stay up at night. I will try to eat some more allover the day and especially some sugar at night. Let's see what this will bring.

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