Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Day 57 - A new nap

Hehe, finally. Last night was great, I was completely awake all the time and neither oversleep nor fatigue didn't stand a chance against me. I watched some episodes of Dexter and even at 4am (my critical time) I could lay on my bed watching it.

I will now start/continue to add an extra nap at 5.20am, in the middle between my 3.20 and my 7.20 naps. I hope it will not only helps me to stay awake at my critical time, but also to to prevent general fatigue by adding another 15 minutes of REM sleep to my day.

Well, I still have to report a bit of extra sleep. I overslept after my 32.0pm nap today. It was only one hour, but that is still too much for me. Since it happened in broad daylight I think I didn't set up my alarm properly.

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