Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Week 5

I would really call this week a success. There were more nights without major oversleep than in the last weeks, and since my monophasic sleep on Saturday I feel better than in a long time. But there are still a few things on my mind that bother me.

One of my first thoughts about polyphasic sleep was, that I would have significantly more time and with that, finally some time to spend on my piano. But since I started my Ubermansleep 5 weeks ago, I hardly even touched my piano. I just can't find the right time, since there is so much to do between two naps. Changing this would be a huge success for me, and I hope that I will be able to, before I quit my polyphasic sleep schedule.

I have to admit, that my nap quality changed a lot since the beginning. I can now sleep in about 1-2 minutes, I just have to concentrate on my nap before I actually take it. After my naps I feel like I was asleep for 8 hours or something like that and really have to start the day over again. My dreams are so long that I just can't believe that I slept only for 25 minutes.
The odd thing is, that I still wake up sometimes after 10-12 minutes, just like in my first week. I wake up in a state of full alertness and I already feel, as if I had slept several hours. Thus I ALWAYS think, that I overslept, until I look on my alarm. When I realize, that only 10 minutes passed, I lay down again for another chunk of sleep. I wonder what that means. I think I could try to shorten my nap length to 20 minutes since I now fall asleep so fast.

Some new experiment some new problems. I'll keep you posted of the results

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