Friday, June 8, 2007

Day 38 - Blackout

What the... I have no clue what happened last night. I know that I made some food at 4am and then I somehow, somewhen went to bed. I woke up at 9.45am, so I guess I slept for approximately 5 hours. I don't remember any fatigue or anything, I think I just laid down for a moment, a moment that turned out to be very long.

After my 11.20am nap some things changed. I decided not to go to sleep again, if I wake up after my usual 12 minutes. And just on my next nap I had the chance to try this out. I slowly woke up, only to find out that I indeed slept for 12 minutes. I took off my blindfold and my headphones(for waking me via an mp3) and stood up. I felt really good. I felt great. So I think that I will do it again.

At the same time I decided to finally shorten my nap length to 20 minutes. Since I need less time to fall asleep I think I can handle that. My 19.20pm nap was my first 20 minutes nap and I didn't feel any difference to my previous naps. I'll see how well this works out in the next days and maybe I'll try some other lengths.

Looks like there will be a lot of experimenting in the next time.

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