Friday, May 25, 2007

Day 24 - Strictness

Good god, thanks. Almost no oversleep. Almost? yeah right, I managed to get some extra sleep again, but I think with this happening at 4pm on day 25 this is a story for the next blogpost. At least I got my naps on time again, I finally stopped this chaos that occured last week.

I really hope that I can maintain this status now, oversleep sucks and I felt bad almost every day of the last week. Adaption stopped, and I can't say that I like it where I am stuck now. I have one speculation going on here: Sugar consumption. I ate just too much of this stuff in the last days. Monday and Wednesday I was playing "The guild" with one of my friends and sugar was a steady companion. Then yesterday I ate all those cookies. I had to get off of sugar and I think and hope, that I succeeded in this today.

Damn, I seriously have to be more strict about all this.

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