Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Week 1

The first week is over and now it's time for some random thoughts.
In the last three months I read so much about polyphasic sleep, that I felt prepared to face it all. I already saw myself in zombie mode, aimlessly wandering through the streets. I prepared myself to fight and struggle, to sleep on the floor for an easier awakening. I gathered all the information I found in one article (Not yet online in English) and looked forward to following my own suggested steps to success.
But most of it changed.

After 4 days on Uberman I was still awake without a problem and highly alert, the only restriction I found was to read a book at 5am. I had a crash at the end of day 4, but after that, I could return to my usual schedule as if nothing happened. This first week was so easy, I just can't believe it, and I think I have to thank my 3 months of daily napping for that.

As for my general perception of time, I can not report any major changes. I have no problems to divide time into days at all. Maybe this is caused by my daily duties concerning the dog. This is my new reset point, I take my shower and my breakfast after it, so there still is a daily routine. And the odd thing is, that I still divide time in waking and sleeping time. In other words, the time between about 3am and 8 am really feels like extra time. In that period I kept thinking, 'hell yeah, thank god that I don't have to sleep'. It is as if Uberman only matters in this short time span, as if the rest of the day would be completely left out by it. I still use the day as usual, but instead of going to sleep, I just stay awake.
I don't feel this continuous consciousness Steve Pavlina was talking about, it's more like a switch between the good old day mode and the new ubermanenhanced night mode.

Although there is some routine in my daily life, I can't get used to brush my teeth. Taking a shower is no problem, most days I do it right after my walk, but the teeth are a problem. Even before I started Uberman, I often forgot to brush my teeth on weekend-mornings. To brush them before going to bed is an easy habit, but I'm just too lazy in the morning if there is no routine for the day.
Now that I have no end of the day, I even forget to brush my teeth in the evening. I will have to come up with some fixed times for that.

So far I've successfully changed to a vegetarian lifestyle. My family supports me with this and my mom even said she would try it along with me. So far, I don't miss the meat.

Well, that was my first week on Uberman... I wonder what I will write next week!

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